10 Technologies that will change your business-The June 29 Edition of Mr. Feola’s Society

Join Feola and a bunch of much more interesting folk from the Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce and representatives from the Irving Technology Leadership Council as we celebrate and discussThe Top 10 Technologies That Will Change Your Business by 2027. This event is complimentary and refreshments will be served.

Thursday, June 29, 2017
6:00PM Reception | 6:30PM Program
The Study – Irving Innovation Center
801 West Irving Blvd
Irving, TX 75060

You think the world has changed lately? You ain’t seen nothing yet! Wait till you can download iPhones and other equipment and print them out on your 3D Printer! What will it mean when stores recognize you when you enter? And how will these things change your business? We invite you to be a part of the

the conversation to learn from these leaders of startups, small, medium and big businesses!

Click on this link for more info & to register!


Feola Speaks-National Entrepreneurship Week-Also, Food and Adult Beverages

Join Feola and a bunch of much more interesting folk from Microsoft, the Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce and representatives from the Irving Technology Leadership Council as we celebrate and encourage innovation and the journey of entrepreneurship. This event is complimentary and refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017
6:00PM Reception | 6:30PM Program
Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce

Now is the Best Time to be an entrepreneur! Hear your peers discuss “The Cloud”, startup resources, the Innovative Community and more. We invite you to be a part of the conversation to learn from these leaders of startups, small, medium and big businesses!

Click on this link for more info & to register!

Feola Speaks on National Entrepreneurship Week-Also, Food and Adult Beverages

Join Feola and a bunch of much more interesting folk from Microsoft, the Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce and representatives from the Irving Technology Leadership Council as we celebrate and encourage innovation and the journey of entrepreneurship. This event is complimentary and refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017
6:00PM Reception | 6:30PM Program
Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce

Now is the Best Time to be an entrepreneur! Hear your peers discuss “The Cloud”, startup resources, the Innovative Community and more. We invite you to be a part of the conversation to learn from these leaders of startups, small, medium and big businesses!

Click on this link for more info & to register!

Twitter’s already a graveyard; you just haven’t noticed

There’s been an interesting side note to the controversy over Twitter suspending and shadowbanning conservatives: many commentators are saying some variation of “I have tons of activity on Twitter, but it doesn’t seem to help my blog traffic.”

That’s because you have no actual activity on Twitter. Shall we take a look? Here’s the Business ONETouch dashboard for a successful young Tweeter:


Wow! 262 click throughs on just a few dozen tweets! This guy must be posting gold, Twitter Gold! Shall we partake?

Yes, our test account with no followers and no content gets dozens of clicks on every single test. Shall we drill down?

That’s right; one to two dozen clicks as soon as we post exciting things like “Test Tweet,” “Test Tweet with #hashtag,” and the ever popular “Late night test.” Who could be clicking on these tests? Could it be…ROBOTS!?!

The reason you’re not getting any useful traffic from your Twitter storms is that there’s no one there. At the end of the day, robots are NOT buying your products or those of your advertisers.

You can learn more about Business ONETouch here Free Business ONETouch dashboard demo