How to Be A Blog Star in Three Easy Lessons-One

A dad picks his son up from first grade. As they drive home, the boy asks a question: “Daddy, where did I come from?”

The dad swallows nervously. He knew this day would come, but so soon? No matter; manfully, he plunges in. He explains the birds and bees, mommies and daddies who love each other, the miracle of birth, and the circle of life.

When he’s done, the boy is quiet. Finally the dad asks “Son, do you have any questions?”

“WHY is our family always so weird? Pete’s from Pittsburgh. Can’t I just be from Pittsburgh?

Here’s the first rule of being a Blog Star: You know more than you think.

Here’s the second rule: You cannot make things simple enough.

You are an expert at what you do; that goes without saying, no? So do a simple thought experiment: how many articles in your field do you see every day? How many are smart? How many aren’t? How many make you wonder if the author was under the influence?

So here’s a secret: People who don’t have your expertise – also known as prospects and customers – place great value on this knowledge.

Tomorrow: Turn that knowledge into a blog, doing what you already do


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