Adding Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and a web site to your Business ONETouch dashboard.
Adding Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and a web site to your Business ONETouch dashboard.
A step-by-step guide to setting up your company information, employees, and test group the first time you log in to Business ONETouch.
Setting up Automated Email Campaigns:
There are two ways to set up Automated Email Campaigns.
Let’s look at the Traditional Drip Campaign first.
This example is for Donors in the Campaign Foundry Version of Business OneTouch.
The front shows the campaign is active- just pick your date and time for the campaign to run.
Under start type you can either have it run on a particular day or date, in this case, we chose Product Purchase.
When someone donates money or purchases a product, that sets off the email campaign.
When you move to the emails tab, you will see your emails set up to run.
In a traditional Drip Campaign the initial email is set off by an action (donation or product purchase), and then you choose the number of days after that action to follow up with an email.
In this example the email goes out immediately, so we choose 0 days after start.
The Distribution list chooses who the email goes to.
There is also an email templates laying out the actual email the user will see when the information from the database is added to personalize it.
Once past the first email, we can follow up with another email and then a third some time after that.
In this example, we sent out an ebook after the first action and then sent follow up emails asking questions like:
Did you receive the ebook?
Have you had a chance to look at it?
Would you like to donate more money to the candidate?
Would you like to know more about other issues in the candidate’s platform?
Next, let’s look another type of campaign.
In this case it’s a volunteer set up.
This doesn’t fit into the Traditional Drip Campaign because in this case, someone has signed up to volunteer on a particular day.
So, the initial email goes out as soon as they sign up.
After that, we don’t want emails to go out based on when they signed up, but based on when they signed up to volunteer.
So an email can be set up to go out a week before their volunteer day as a reminder.
Then another email can go out on the morning of their volunteer day as a reminder and including tips for them as they volunteer.
There are multiple ways to run these campaigns, and they can be personalized based on the actual user’s take.
For example, if we tag them as someone who has signed up from the Dallas area, we can then follow up only with people from Dallas who read the email, who didn’t read the email, etc.
You can make these emails contingent both on things like day or date, on what type of donation that they gave, on how they volunteered, or even based on whether they didn’t read the original email (that subject line may not have made sense to them or it may not have been interesting to them).
Creating a new Email Template:
First mouse over the “Sales & Marketing” tab, move cursor to “Email Marketing”, then click “Email Templates”
This will bring you to the list of templates.
Click “Create New”
First give your new template a name (this example uses Networking Follow Up).
Next, set the person who is sending the email and the person who is receiving the test emails.
Lastly, make it Active and click save.
Now move to the Email Template and give your email a subject (keep this generic).
Modify yours to be more specific based on your email campaign.
First, go to the Database Tool and insert the current date.
Write a salutation (use Database Tool to insert First or Last name).
Add a few more lines to the body of your template.
You can also use Database tool to insert your Company Mission.
Finish your template and use the Database Tool to insert your Company Name, Address and Logo.
Click Close (this also saves your data).
You should now see your new active Email Template.
Identifying your customers and supporters is one of the biggest challenges facing any organization. This five-minute video shows how Business ONETouch segments your audience automatically. These are HD videos; be sure to change the settings by clicking the gear in the lower right corner if you’re not getting that quality.
(00:12) Everyone has issues, just pick 3 for example.
If you’re a business, if you founded a health food company because that’s your passion, you still have areas of focus inside that vertical.
They might be long term
If you’re in politics, top 3 issues might be:
If you’re a nonprofit- you have a religious school for example, top 3 issues might be:
These issues can be used to identify the people in the audience who are interested and passionate about the things that you are interested and passionate about. This forms a connection
(01:15) For example, Quality of Instruction with the religious school.
Break that down into different ideas about main theme:
(01:55) Use these issues and variations on issues discover who the customer is.
(02:08) Start by writing an email template.
Here is an outline of how this will work:
Start by emailing everyone and noting which emails they read, which they click on and what actions they take.
(03:12) Mark which customers were sent a particular email.
If they read it, mark that they read it.
If they click through to the more information, mark that.
(03:27) After the first email is sent on issue 2, send a second email to target the people who got the first email and not the ones who read or clicked.
Use a second or a third email to identify who’s interested in that issue but for a different reason.
Do the same thing again before the third email.
Now see who has gotten the College Email and the Test Scores Email and hasn’t read or clicked on either one.
(04:18) Now the audience is segmented into 4 groups:
People who are not your customers
Business ONETouch brings Big Data to all companies at a small business price. Here is a brief overview video explaining how Business ONETouch can help your business. These are HD videos; be sure to change the settings by clicking the gear in the lower right corner if you’re not getting that quality.
Step-by-step-Creating a new Email Template:
This will bring you to the list of templates.
Now move to the Email Template.
You should now see your new active Email Template.
Welcome to the Marketing and Sales 101 Tutorial with Business ONETouch. The tutorial walks you through a complete set of campaigns that will build your customer database and drive your sales, including:
And feel free to post questions!
a. Click SITE SETTINGS, which is the tab on the right
i. Click Employees at the top of the center column under Company Settings
ii. You’ll see one employee listed: Business Master. Click on Business Master
iii. Change the information here to the actual employee you’d like to use for sales and marketing; for example, email campaigns will show an Employee as the sender
iv. You should at least change the email address, names and phone
v. If you’d like, click on each tab and fill out the rest of the information. This is not required
vi. Clicking SAVE saves; clicking CLOSE saves, then closes. When you’re done, click CLOSE
Welcome to the Marketing and Sales 101 Tutorial with Business ONETouch. The tutorial walks you through a complete set of campaigns that will build your customer database and drive your sales, including:
And feel free to post questions!