Tutorial: Automatic Audience Segmentation


Identifying your customers and supporters is one of the biggest challenges facing any organization. This five-minute video shows how Business ONETouch segments your audience automatically. These are HD videos; be sure to change the settings by clicking the gear in the lower right corner if you’re not getting that quality.

(00:12)     Everyone has issues, just pick 3 for example.

If you’re a business, if you founded a health food company because that’s your passion, you still have areas of focus inside that vertical.

They might be long term

  • Health and anti-aging
  • Current illnesses or general feelings of unhealthiness
  • Weight loss

If you’re in politics, top 3 issues might be:

  • Immigration
  • Economy
  • Taxes

If you’re a nonprofit- you have a religious school for example, top 3 issues might be:

  • Religion
  • Quality of instruction
  • Quality of area public schools

These issues can be used to identify the people in the audience who are interested and passionate about the things that you are interested and passionate about. This forms a connection

(01:15)   For example, Quality of Instruction with the religious school.

Break that down into different ideas about main theme:

  • Quality of instruction- Graduation and College attendance rates
  • Standardized test scores
  • Concern about quality of local schools

(01:55)     Use these issues and variations on issues discover who the customer is.

(02:08)      Start by writing an email template.

Here is an outline of how this will work:

  • Provide background
  • For this example, create 3 email templates just for issue 2
  • Create 9 email templates total

Start by emailing everyone and noting which emails they read, which they click on and what actions they take.

(03:12)     Mark which customers were sent a particular email.

If they read it, mark that they read it.

If they click through to the more information, mark that.

(03:27)     After the first email is sent on issue 2, send a second email to target the people who got the first email and not the ones who read or clicked.

Use a second or a third email to identify who’s interested in that issue but for a different reason.

Do the same thing again before the third email.

Now see who has gotten the College Email and the Test Scores Email and hasn’t read or clicked on either one.

(04:18)     Now the audience is segmented into 4 groups:

  • People who are interested in issue 1
  • People who are interested in issue 2
  • People who are interested in issue 3
  • Group 4- people who ignored all 9 emails, they fall into two groups:
    • People who don’t use email

People who are not your customers


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